People think window restoration is hard, but with a few inexpensive tools, but about anyone tin can get started on fixing their former wood windows.

That's was preservation expert Steve Quillian, of Wood Window Makeover, said in this Window Hero Webinar hither at Indow. Before the webinar started, he told united states of america in that location's a tendency amongst older craftsman to "keep their cards close to their vest" when it comes to restoration and preservation techniques. The new model, he said, should be all about, "Share, share, share. Put the power in the hands of young people…Information technology's of import that we pass along traditions."

That's just what he did!

He started the webinar by walking the computer effectually to requite viewers a tour of his workshop in Tampa, Florida, Wood Window Makeover.  He detailed the anatomy of an old growth woods window. He showed how to remove the sash. How to replace onetime frayed rope. How to tie it onto the sash weight – fifty-fifty what kind of knot to use!

"A effigy 8 knot – information technology stands the test of fourth dimension and won't come up undone,"he said. "Trust me, you want to use the figure 8."

And then he explained – and we thought this was just a great detail to get over – how y'all can put plywood in your window opening while you lot're restoring windows so you tin go along out the rain and experience safe during the restoration process.

His goal, he said, is to create an artisan regular army! There are just too many older structures that need restoration and preservation work. People need to feel empowered to tackle projects themselves.

Tools You Demand for Fixing Old Windows Yourself:

All the tools Steve talked about that yous need to restore windows (including educational tools) are included below.

Old Windows Made Piece of cake , by Scott Sidler

Dry out lubricant

Carbite scraper



Samson Spot Cord #8

Paint scraper

Sanding cake

Vice-clamp with duck bill

Window zipper

Flat bar

Utility knife

Restoring Old Windows Video Playlist

Annotation ON Atomic number 82 PAINT: To stay safety during home renovations, please refer to this excellent atomic number 82 safety guide adult past the EPA.

Enjoy this blazon of content? At Indow, preserving celebrated windows is very important to us. We assist architects across the land make original windows energy efficient with our inserts – read well-nigh information technology here.