
How To Repair A Plastic Bathtub

How To Prepare A Crevice In A Plastic Bathtub

Wondering how to prepare a crack in a plastic bathtub? Follow this useful guide to do everything. If your place of peace and solitude has turned into a disastrous nightmare due to and so many cracks build-up, you demand to find ways on how to fix a fissure in a plastic bathtub.

Many times nosotros detect small cracks while we relax in our bathtubs. While sometimes the cracks seem short and small-scale, they can create havoc of problems afterward on that needs to exist prevented today itself by taking the right actions.

Before proceeding to how to fix a crevice in a plastic bathtub, you need to know specific reasons that may crusade bathtub cracks in the showtime place and then yous can avoid them in the future.

Causes Of Cracks In The Bathtub

bath, tub, bathroom
Photo by Mikes-Photography on Pixabay

To be very precise, in that location are 3 main reasons that can cause bathtub cracks. The first reason is the lack of support. Other reasons include the material being flexible or damage from any heavy objects or heavy cleaners. There are some materials used in the bathtub making like fiberglass which is highly flexible. If you place a heavy material on it, it will eventually pause due to pressure.

If such materials are not installed properly while making or additional support is added, they are going to pause inside few days of installment. Y'all can hands see cracks in the bathtub. Sometimes cracks are also seen in the bathtub when you drop any heavy object onto it.

The last reason we tin can think of is using highly abrasive cleaners in the tub like bleach. If you accept a plastic tub, so information technology will easily be eroded abroad which will allow more than wet inside of information technology and cause minute cracks which will later rise in size. If you ignore the cracks now, they volition eventually get really big to be treated without investing a lot.

Cracks in the bathtub indicate that more moisture and water will enter the bathtub causing its integrity to weaken which will lead to breaking the bathtub in half.

Cracks can be of different types in your bathtub. Y'all should know that replacing a bathtub can cost thousands of dollars which are non required as you lot can easily fix the quondam ane. Y'all will see a stride-by-step guide on how to fix a crack in a plastic bathtub.

How To Fix A Crack In A Plastic Bathtub

bathtub, tub, bathroom
Photo past ErikaWittlieb on Pixabay

You require a bathtub repair kit for repairing a crack in the bathtub. If you have a plastic bathtub or fiberglass bathtub, you tin can hands use this procedure to get going. Do not use this tutorial if your bathtub is made from bandage atomic number 26 material.

You lot volition see a lot of varieties of bathtub repairing kits in markets, you can easily use them based on the preference of the make y'all choose. Earlier getting started with any tutorial, always check for the instructions of usage given on the kit'southward label. The kit volition have a power drill, drill chip, hairdryer, rag, putty knife, epoxy resin, dry sandpaper, nylon-bristled paintbrush, etc.

Let's meet what are the steps involved in repairing cracks in your bathtub.

  1. Pick a good bathtub repair kit from the hardware stores. Now clean the plastic bathtub you have normally and allow it dry well for 24 hours. Audit it closely for all the cracks and some there forms of damage nowadays. You tin take something to marking and locate those amercement and cracks easily.
  2. Once yous know where all the cracks are located, y'all accept to drill a pigsty of size 1/quaternary inches on each side of all the cracks y'all wish to repair.
  3. Now sand the fissure gently using 120-grit sandpaper. Remember not to sand aggressively as this would result in farther harm instead of fixing the cracks.
  4. Now, clean the sanded surface area using a damp rag and brand sure you remove all the debris and sand particles present in the tub. Yous take to wait for 12hours or then for the area to dry completely. If you do non have much fourth dimension, just use a regular hairdryer for the drying procedure. This pace is very of import because the epoxy resin in the kit would not stick well to the wet surface causing the cracks to open.
  5. Yous have to follow all the directions given on the label and gear up a skillful epoxy resin. Fill the cracks using the putty knife with the resin. Now leave the cracks filled with resin for 12 hours at least for it to cure.
  6. You take to sand dry this area using 240-grit dry or wet sandpaper. Wet your sandpaper and sand those cracks again one more time.
  7. Clean the sanded expanse once more using a clammy rag and permit it sit and dry for another 12 hours for perfect results.
  8. Finish off the repair using a light layer of gel-coated enamel. Let this dry completely and thoroughly for more than 4 hours before filling it with water and using your bathtub again.

Using these eight steps, you can easily learn how to prepare a crack in a plastic bathtub and go rid of cracks. You also demand some prevention tips and care tips for your bathtub to avoid any cracks in the futurity.

How To Care For Plastic Bathtub

how to fix a crack in a plastic bathtub
Photo by ErikaWittlieb on Pixabay

Your bathtub requires ample care for good maintenance. Here are some important intendance tips to continue in mind adjacent fourth dimension for maintaining a proficient bathtub.

  • Keep any heavy object away from the bathtub that could damage and insert cracks inside it. If y'all as well like decorating around your bathtub, make sure to pick secure objects that do not fall within the bathtub.
  • Try to apply gentle bathtub cleaners, not abrasive ones. Protect the enamel layer of your bathtub that acts as a protecting layer from eroding by using mild bathtub cleaners just. You can besides utilise non-toxic and natural ingredients for washing similar vinegar, lemon, salt, essential oils, baking soda, etc.

These are some tips and techniques you can follow to avoid harm.

If your plastic bathtub is beyond salvage, y'all can catechumen it into something else that seems useful like a garden pot, cooler, outdoor swing, cheerful soda in the garden, etc.

Follow this guide to know how to fix a crack in a plastic bathtub. Larn how to fix disrepair pipes if you accept any using this useful guide.



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